PS41 - Grading Policy

PS41 is a dedicated community of faculty and families working together to provide the highest quality education for each of our students. Our school is committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning. We believe that all students should be given many opportunities to rigorously delve into the academic areas that are taught on their grade, and continue to mature socially and emotionally in a safe environment.

 Grading Policy

The purpose of any system of reporting is to strengthen the home-school partnership, and to inform parents/guardians of the progress their child is making toward grade-level benchmarks. Benchmarks increase over the course of the year (what a student is expected to know and do in December is different from what a student is expected to know and do in June); therefore, it is possible for a student to meet a benchmark in December, but not meet the same benchmark in March. Maintaining the same grade from one marking period to the next means the child demonstrated growth in that indicator or skill. 

Our report cards are given out three times per year: December, March and June. They are designed to inform you of your child’s progress in relation to the grade level standards as well as their social-emotional growth. Final grades are based on June grades, not an average of the trimesters. Homework can be considered as part of the effort grades, but is not used to grade academic achievement, as the function of homework is to provide practice in skill areas in elementary school. 

Report card grades are reported on a 4-point (1-4) performance level scale. These grades are based on the observable behaviors of your child and they are designed to be informative. The narrative portion of the report card offers attainable goals for your child. Together, the two portions of the report card should give you a picture of where your child is and the direction in which he/she should be going. We encourage you to discuss your child’s report card with your child and your child’s teacher. Active involvement and ongoing communication will help ensure success to help your child meet rigorous standards. All inquiries about grades should be discussed at parent teacher conferences. For June report cards, all inquiries must be submitted in writing to the teacher and parent coordinator by June 24th at 3:00PM.  

Reading grades will be determined using a combination of the TC Running Record Assessment, mid and end of unit reading assessments, teacher conferences, and classroom discussions during book clubs, read alouds, and/or partner conversations. 

Writing grades will be determined by on-demand assessments for each unit and independent classwork. 

Social Studies: 
Social Studies grades will be determined using a combination of unit assessments, independent classwork, and classroom discussions.

Students are assessed on their conceptual understanding, their precision and accuracy and their ability to solve problems in multiple ways and explain solutions. Math grades will be determined by an average of mid unit assessments, end of unit assessments and quizzes.  Additionally, journal entries, contributions to class discussions and partner talk will be considered. 

Academic and Personal Behaviors:
Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior during all classes to facilitate their own learning as well as the learning of classmates

1: Rarely meets expectations 
2: Meets behavioral expectations when reminded/occasionally
3: Usually meets behavioral expectations 
4: Independently meets behavioral expectations