Volunteering - How You Can Help

We will offer a menu of volunteer opportunities via the PTA Bulletin throughout the school year. All PTA events and initiatives are the result of the efforts of parent volunteers, and every time we volunteer our time or services at an event, in the PTA office, or behind-the scenes, we ensure that our kids experience the excellent programs, resources and enrichment for which PS41 is known.

Volunteering is just one of the many ways you can be involved at our school. If you have time to give, that’s great - but we are just as grateful for your offers of resources, donated goods or services, or, of course, financial contributions.

Parents with special talents or hobbies can bring their skills to the school in many ways. The PTA is always in need of volunteers. Let us know how you want to be involved and we’ll help you be involved, as much or as little as you want. There is a role for everyone. Email us or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Here are video highlight reels of some of our wonderful events that only happen because of parent volunteers.

Monster Mash (October)
Spring Fest (May)
Talent Show (Winter)
Annual Auction (March/April)

Interested in volunteering or have more questions, feel free to use the form below to send a message or email us.